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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2013 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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midnight's children israel war waste of wages is the overriding themes in a parliamentary election the need of more hardline government expected to rise from the ballot. of all israeli settlers wait on the results of an election in which they push to redefine borders we hear about the bargain hunters spearheading the charging to occupied lands also. really don't care it's not so great britain and not so great britain shari'a law in the u.k. we report of the so-called muslim patrol group posting their own vigilante videos online showing them arresting innocent passers by. complete information blackout american citizens are spied upon by their own f.b.i.
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but the bureau refuses to explain who they're tracking or why individuals a big target. hello thanks a big with a set much pre-shared to discover though in here at the new center tonight top story vote counting now in full swing in israel off the parliamentary elections following a short a bitter campaign the far right so expect it to sweep the ballot with prime minister benjamin netanyahu set to form a ruling coalition from a myriad of nationalist and religious factions let's get more the voting now without cesar fall asleep other paula you've been monitoring the events so bring us up to date. well the polls have just closed and what we are expecting is preliminary results within the next two hours or so with final results expected to be announced on wednesday morning not interestingly enough there was
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a record high turnout the highest turnout in these radio elections in a decade or though this was not reflected particularly in the arab communities and this is presumably because the mood on the ground is that it's almost a foregone conclusion that the current prime minister bibi netanyahu will win a nother term in office now his yes well they take a new party is expected to come first followed by the labor party and then in the third position the sexy story of the selection a party that's known as the jewish home headed by a relative newcomer to the political scene and literally by the name of enough to be bennett now he is quite right wing he is against a palestinian state and he also believes in the mixing of large parts of the west bank too as well paul a victory for not you know was expected from the outset was what will change this time around if he does indeed get the votes to form a coalition he needs. well the next step is of course seeing who will
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be the largest party and presumably this will be netanyahu he will be tasked with forming a coalition government that needs to have sixty one seats of eight hundred twenty seated parliament netanyahu is not going to have anywhere near that from his own party so what we're likely to see is weeks of bargaining and negotiations taking place here in israel as he tries to build a coalition that he won't want to start with the more center parties but the end to supposin is that he's not going to get enough seats to make this majority he's going to have to rely more and more on the far white and the orthodox parties this does seem to set him up for creating the most hardline government in israel's history this bodes badly for peace for the palestinians it bodes badly for israel standing on the international scene and certainly in terms of its growing isolation and it also only deepens the antipathy between the israeli leadership and its most
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well supporters both in europe but also in the united states particularly with the american president barack obama policy of middle east correspondent thank you for that. well pretty very truthful very remote you know who is jeff barack former editor in chief of the jerusalem post also thinks war against iran could now be on the cards. if mr no does form a hard right coalition then first of all there's going to be no movement in terms of negotiations with the palestinians you know what has been over the past few years will continue and i think we'll see further israeli settlement building in the west and. the big question though is what's going to happen physically iran is probably since they are going to wait to see if america's talks with if the international community is talks led by america are bringing fruit with iran in stopping iran from reaching the nuclear threshold or is with the no tailgates i know he can't trust the west and launch a preemptive strike but i think it's a really big question before probably some talk of eleven billion shekels being
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spades or preparing the army for an attack on iran so he's making the moves getting all the positions in place as far as literacy and so far it's very very hard to know which direction most of the missed the nothing will take one of most pressing divisive issues of this election has been settlements a thing that the rights campaigned on tirelessly but what my boy his own perspective to the issue of infiltrating the ranks of diehard settlers filmmaker nimrod came and known for its prank documentaries brings us this. my name is no more than israeli citizen living here among. you one housing crisis at all time high the thing is there is another one in jerusalem but i can also live among arabs and i think i can get a much better deal. over the. would like to see the flood to buy i'm here with some investors from england. we want to
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invest in this area because i'm hearing the property value might go up with one flat is one million shekels is fathers for that in the building that this whole new area called zero eight and one begins despite a few haters in the u.s. almost all these really critical parties support the building and selling of charming flats on palestinian land the latest talk location he wants east of jerusalem hello i'm here to show a new client wants to buy property in this area is a big you want investor understand it's the only building currently built but if i can show him more. hills mall outposts. i know an exception occupation two state solution who cares as long as the property is cheap is a jew man leaving london i want to cash in on my jewishness and i be in touch with my roots. so it's all jewish yeah yeah any non jewish part because.
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not from here many people say he is not being constructive in the peace process but look how many settlements it constructed i'm hoping. to build a new settlement. this is the future for israel i believe and i'm afraid that if i buy the house and i get a document saying it's mine some day palestinians can scam and say no it's not yours because i keep listening to that in the u.k. . you see. there's. there's just one thing and. it's funny how those small actions had like international meaning. the moving of stones like monumentally. it's like messing with international law.
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this is the most disputed area you never noticed it just because people told us. but he says it is like a good place to build a new flat you think they'll be like because my friends want to be like to buy something before we even constructed i was coming up. it says this is the fail stone being set for the new god willing a few one facing the holy capital if i pay so much money for rent in london anyone in london and here. and in the big city. comfortable it all starts to sell all of us is ours. you can look down and palestinians this is the new area being built up as if you want i just call this status quo how doll free they sell all the flats in this part of town and i say no to see them and it will never be evacuated they selling more and more. of the city and all the bills are you
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should be jewish label. me. i went to see an. agent to get to the phone the legalities. of. you selling your house by any chance. i had and like.
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ok we'll talk in cheek it may be but an interesting insight nonetheless there were colonists now we talked to the man behind the film about his real estate through occupied territory nimrod came of painted a very opportunistic picture of settlement mentality some of the people i talked to never going to. give up their house. is the heavily. into the settlement of the entire west bank and told me that the jordan is also the kind of part of the do it just call the told me that if someone is going to a victim which they don't believe in but if people going to happen they're going to even make more money because the government will pay them compensation for the victims if you just go by if you can sell it to local jewish americans so did you actually buy into this. i mean i money with me and i didn't go all the way there but just got the best view and i almost bought it because why what why
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didn't i buy it if it was that if it's such a good deal you can make lots of money presumably yeah i mean. i am jewish actually not all the way. so back to the main story the voting in israel's wrapped up with ballot counting underway you will be getting results here in r.t. from us as the numbers start to come in it will be all for you know this is two on how this day might change israel's political landscape. how will change with tourism develop sensible to expunge just isolate chan there be peace with gaza what's next in relations with america will let you know who survive his snuff election on january twenty second. israel decides what are. in the u.k. for scotland yard's launched an investigation after videos appeared online showing a vigilante group calling themselves muslim patrol in the inflammatory films use a scene telling people to throw away alcohol and to make women cover their faces as they were in
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a muslim area as they put it is artists are first. an islamic vigilante group that's what they call themselves a small number of people who are going after members of the public in areas of them the confronting them saying that they were implementing. and that this was the muslim area and they were demanding people throw away the alcohol they were insulting to women telling them to cover up this got uploaded on cd tens of thousands of people saw it the original video got me from the police investigation started but once again you know that goes around so it's still on you tube right now and again tens of thousands of hits so a lot of concern here i think because obviously it's gone viral save speak a lot of people are seeing this very threatening behavior from a small group of the certainly causing a lot of concern here that that's going to stir up tension so one of the people in the video said that this is c.k. it's not a miss america is no she realized all along the sea we've seen that this is
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a debate the really does inflame tensions and causes a lot of control this thing and i think the muslim community core c.-k. really has come out to condemn what this small grapes done and to try to distance themselves from of the east london mosque say that it was designed to stoke up tension so that there's very much an emphasis on distancing themselves from that type of behavior because certainly this is part of a why did debate in the area of london where the police think that this video was filmed in east london is an area that see this argument come up a number of times over the past couple of years with fundamentalist weeks in these areas making a lot of noise about wanting to relaunch implemented in the end it is a very touchy subject for a lot of people as we said very threatening behavior in those videos and as a muslim community here in the case being you know very very trying to highlight is that this is a very small group but of course as it has gone around the internet a lot of people seeing this and said a small great taking these threatening actions obviously having
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a much wider impact. so first reporting for us from getting european support for. britain for the offensive following the deadly hostage crisis in neighboring algeria which a number of europeans americans were killed. coming up in the next few minutes also to offer a century of cooperation taking. german and french leaders on a fifty years of the post-war alliance political and economic divide rather a shadow over the celebrations. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids lives. with this is a problem that. was like the big elephant in the room and nobody wanted to talk
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about they were really good. people really focused on this problem you certainly should be able to. see a lot less human suffering. americans
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are being kept in the dark about how and why they are being followed by the nation security agency a civil liberties group in the us asked the f.b.i. to spell out what techniques it's using when it tracks citizens was going to teach you can explain is know for see the reply raised more questions the doubts it. everybody knows that the f.b.i. uses all sorts of tracking devices on cars cell phones and whatnot everything that can carry g.p.s. the american civil liberties union filed the request under the freedom of information act asking for the justice department to review the f.b.i.'s guidelines their internal memos as to how and under what circumstances they track people as of now there is no clear understanding among americans of when they will be subjected to tracking possibly for months at a time or whether the government will first get a warrant this is the justice department's response more than one hundred pages of completely redacted material except for the title so to the question how when and
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why the government can track its citizens the f.b.i. responded with this takes a lot of ink to print out something like this some artistic souls may think of the painting black squares by live each we're certainly not sure of the artistic intentions of the u.s. justice department or the meanings they put into these black pages but for civil liberties advocates here this is what government secrecy looks like actually it was last month when president obama signed a bill that essentially allows the government to spy on anyone they want under some kind of a general warrant as opposed to an individual words in other words it allows the national security agency to vacuum up as much private communication as possible with something like a promise on the authorities part to be really careful about when and how they look at it but civil liberties advocates argue that the bill of rights is not about the government promises of good intentions but about legal guarantees so president obama may be very convincing when he talks about individual freedoms we heard the
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words in his inaugural speech this monday. but here is the f.b.i. version of their freedom. not that helpful ok got to teach accounting there with me to talk about this now as managing editor of twenty four seven news j.t. to chile to the morning we saw the blank sheets of paper that i guess the counter-argument to it all is what was the point of an intelligence agency if it's got to go around telling people what it's doing why it's doing it short of the f.b.i. is within its rights no well let me at best what they're saying is trust us and at worst what they're saying of course is just if you can unfortunately when they've blacked out the memos that we don't know what their policies are if the supreme court has revised the rules for surveillance we have to trust them we have to take their word for it that they met their body by the supreme court's decisions that they were well but just that we don't know we've got one hundred pages of black that material so we don't know what policies the has allocated but self we don't we don't know how they're lying there or their surveillance techniques so is there some sort of middle ground that could be taken here then to satisfy everybody well
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i think there's really a middle ground a very open and free society the f.b.i. has to tell us what its procedures and techniques are so with that we can argue about them and then we have the opportunity to challenge them meant that maybe the courts say sure they're ok but that's only after the challenge or in other discussed openly if only have to go on as the saying trust us that doesn't give us very much here we actually don't let them cut into the chase your in the states it's twenty thirteen we head into a new year how much privacy do u.s. citizens have right now as we head into new year to what extent are authorities snooping on the public where you are. well they are snipping quite a bit i mean there's a lot of us there's over three hundred million americans so there's only so much snooping they can do at any given individual less they have your target but the fact is there's enormous power the government now has to surveil the population and if they want to they've given us the power to exercise their surveillance techniques without very much in the way of controls or due process they can use the
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n.s.a. can go through street secret courts and get permission to spy on people with any public challenge you would have no way of knowing that you're being spied on if you find out you're not allowed to reveal that information what exactly got a mention in those redact. it's a paper she held up is there any hope that americans will be able to find out what information has been withheld any time soon. well yes i mean we have to balance the a.c.l.u. is going to continue its lawsuit i would assume other groups electronic frontier foundation too and they're going to soon they're going to challenge and maybe the courts will order the f.b.i. to reveal their policies there's also the chance of leaks that's part of the best ways of achieve maintaining openness in a society when the government doesn't want to be open and you can always hope that people who do know people on the inside will reveal the end ration it goes up on wiki leaks or on other sites like that so we can establish not establish that examine those policies ourselves these f.b.i. memos came about because the u.s. supreme court ruled last year didn't they that a warrant was needed to use g.p.s.
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to track a suspect vehicle what's known about of a surveillance techniques that are used on american citizens when we know about them. well it depends on what exactly technique is it what the contents of an e-mail for instance they need a warrant but if they want to know who you're writing your e-mails to a frequent when you're writing your emails they don't need or use a subpoena so the details of the communication the actual message constants are better protected than who you communicating with but if you're communicating with political groups of communicating civil liberties purpose open government groups that reveals a lot already in terms of who you're talking with and how frequent you're talking with them. today you have i'm going to twenty four seven news thank you thank you. coming up on the program with me kevin knowing jordan's king promises change for the weary crowds up to two years of protests he prepares for snap mantra election with us about the monarchy saying it's the beginning of reform but the powerful muslim brotherhood's boycotting the vote they say it's
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a gimmick we report ahead and the quality raising big tempers in the russian capital a gay rights demo here of moscow so vicious good wishes this church activist targeted campaign is our cameras with the details again ahead. of the day's big news lots of glitz and gloss in berlin is german and french leaders celebrated fifty years of the country's alliance but the hugs and handshakes may mask an alternative reality to yet to agree on how to cure the eurozone debt contagion or overcome deep foreign policy divisions assessing whether there are more lows the highs than in the franco german relations right now and it's a catch up with artie's peter all of. well it's certainly a meeting that's filled with pomp and circumstance but they as they celebrate the formalizing of the friendship between former foes what we are seeing though is that hoping that the celebration can paper over some of the divisions between how
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a couple of course france and germany the two major economies and the well the two biggest voices in europe really when it comes to how to tackle the eurozone crisis all around wants to see more spending to promote growth where is. stuck to her guns saying it's only through austerity that any kind of problems in the eurozone can be perhaps fixed now there's also rising concern here in germany over the state of the french economy the german people and german finance is looking to thinking well we don't want to get caught up a catch a cold if you'll recall and he sneezes it was a expected that the french economy went into recession at the end of twenty twelve hours also when it comes to matters of defense military not just germany and france not agreeing that front certainly pursuing a policy of intervention and we've seen not in libya we're also seeing that right now in mali where is germany they have said that they were going to contribute any
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of their troops in this was backed up by. the finance minister here in germany and a key member of angler merkel's christian democrat party when he said that germany didn't want to be a major player in foreign policy said going on to say that well after hitler and auschwitz how could they be a major player so there is a difference there between how france views its place in the wider world and how germany does based on well the two countries relative history so this meeting all smiles and handshakes however that there are some deep underlying cracks in the relationship between europe's power couple. peter oliver and berlin will max out as a business professor at an independent investment fund manager he told me he's never had any illusions about relations between paris and berlin basically it's really some of the same have seen for so trees i mean france has had a policy of basically keeping germany down for since louis the fourteenth
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and of course of the twentieth century you saw i mean if you put this in a fright wider framework it doesn't surprise that the. frictions and also little fissures and of course the economic strength of germany and the current weakness of france doesn't make it any easier. was needs to do for his domestic audience and the same is true for merkel merkel says it's a horrible story in some ways because as of evolved in germany almost against. hunger some speak for the so-called nation of the euro which is not really the case i mean that's a different thing so the thing is that the overall vision for europe is lacking it's the verging and soul we will not see europe make a really great progress towards a more unified continent any time soon. italy's considering backing france's combat action against islamist similarly britain has already said it may boost its military assistance so far it sent two warplanes to the conflict the move follows
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the deadly hostage crisis in neighboring algeria which was in retaliation they said for france's invasion let's talk more about the conflict you know that he morgan is a freelance journalist and writer specializing in west africa and the surviving breast level of year hi there and a nice to see you from getting further support by the looks of it from european nations is the situation too much then for the french to handle alone or is there more to it. i mean i think they could do with all the help they can because they were very pleased to take these two towns in recent days yeah billion . but you know anybody in there's money that knows that these to these towns why are imports and or rather small fry compared to the towns and cities further up the line which they'll need to grab hold of at some point and i think you know they're the basically the rhetoric is still that soon as possible they're going to hand over so they can true somalian troops to echo us but it's very clear that without
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the french without their air power local troops would have had no hope at all of taking order whens or so that's the question i want to what the soonest possible is gonna made music are you talking weeks we're talking months we're talking years well you see i think the problem is is that they might easily. gain you know the military advantage maybe retake our there are rumors that the chad the troops of chad are massing along the kind of eastern border of mali now chad might be a very useful partner because its troops have quite a lot of experience of fighting in desert conditions the problem of the mali an army an ak or so on me is that they're you know they're used to a completely different environments and you know i always say that for a southern mali and soldier the north of mali is like alaska it might be for the citizen of massachusetts and florida you know and and so they need people like that
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they could do without syrian support but as we know that is very very problematic and you know if if if the rest of europe support militarily then they're probably no doubt be happy and also to be i think you know i think western countries are very reluctant to feel isolated in any of this kind of actions they want to feel. coalition it makes them feel comforted it makes them feel that they're not going to sort of take all the repercussions on their own head as it were so what's france actually up against here i mean launching airstrikes is one thing but ground warfare in desert conditions a totally another isn't it yeah i mean i you know the problem is is that the the. in the islamist coalition and we and it must be understood that this is a very strange and very diverse and very kind of collide scopic coalition of people you have the hardcore of the al qaeda in the islamic magreb fighters now they are
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very very hard and fighters have been out there for almost a decade they know the region very very well you know the desert is that absolutely you also have the twa. rebels who basically decided to put their faith in a yeah garley is this islamist leader this strong man who's basically seduced a lot of to ari into joining his islamist cause even though many of us who kind of look at the. know them believe that they haven't really got his islamist project necessarily in their hearts of hearts now they'll also be at home they know the desert that's their territory their super desert fighters. all these people they they they specialize in this kind of hit and run guerrilla tactics they'll they'll they'll strike very far and then they'll disappear into the desert possibly even over the borders and we know that the attack on this town.


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